Live2D Comms

I don't do any type of art for the model, my work is purely Live2D rigging.Commissions are open every 1 to 2 months, but depending on my situation could take further to open. The forms for submitting the commission is RIGHT HERE!Once i open them i will be filling the slots for the next week. After sending the forms, please wait for me to contact you via twitter DMs (or your other preferred way of contact) once i have decided to proceed with your commission request. This can take up to 10 days from the opening of commissions.
Do not message or email me asking about why is it taking long or why you were not contacted.
After the slot is confirmed to you, i will only start when the batch time period mentioned on twitter starts. Your commission will be placed in any position among the other ones i have for the batch and can only be rushed by ordering it with a rush fee (see below). Once we start (NOT after the slot is decided), it takes around a month to finish, but it can go past that.Here are the three different types of rigging commissions:

FeatureTier 2 (Half-body)Tier 3 (Full-body)
Head anglesYesYes
Eye movement and blinkingYesYes
Mouth FormsYesYes
Body movement rotation XYesYes
Body movement rotation ZYesYes
Body movement Y (leg bend)NoYes
Hip movementNoYes
Arms movement physicsNoYes
Body BounceNoPossibly
Amount of physics on the model:Head and body X/Z parts (Except arms)Entire body physics
TierBase price
Tier 2 (Half-body)1200-1500$ USD
Tier 3 (Full-body)1500-2200$ USD
Chibi20% OFF any price above

Prices will vary a lot depending on design! The pricing above and below covers 95% of commissions but it is possible be higher if it's something too out of the ordinary.Half-bodies are strictly waist-up and any element below that will be very lightly rigged just so it is still connected to the upper rigging. Parts below the waist are not part of the half-body commission and will not be on consideration for the overall quality of the rigging.Chibi can be half or fullbody, and I will do all the math considering the normal prices above, then reduce the total by 25%.


Extra features can be included but will be charged additionally for each extra up to any quantity.

  • Increase head x turn angle: 250$ USD

  • Simple expression toggle (expressions that only uses brow, eye and mouth forms, no external parts): 30$ USD

  • Advanced expression toggle (expressions that uses external parts e.g. a shadow layer for a gloomy expression, hearts and a heart pupil, etc): 50-75$ USD (Price varies with complexity)

  • Simple animation toggle (animations with set playtime, starting point to finish point): Starts at 150$ USD (Price varies with complexity)

  • Idle (auto-loop) animation toggle (animations without set playtime, that once toggled on will keep looping until turned off): Starts at 200$ USD (Price varies with complexity)

  • Body leaning foward/backwards: 400$ USD and it increases other prices that are linked to the body, such as Arm poses and costume parts.

  • *Extra clothing parts/toggle *(can either replace the default one when toggled or can be taken on or off on top of the default one, like a jacket): *Starts at 150$ USD (Price varies with complexity. This price is for each individual group of clothing parts, e.g. the upper body clothes and lower body clothes are separate)

  • Extra hair parts/toggle (can either replace the default one when toggled or can be taken on or off on top of the default one, like extra twintails): Price starts at 200$ USD (Price varies with number of parts and complexity)

  • Body pose toggle (other hand positions, leg position, etc, that will replace the default one when toggled on): Price starts at 150$ USD (Price varies with complexity)

  • Other type of toggle (anything else you want to turn on or off on the model): *Variable price

  • Mouth X (mouth horizontal movement side to side, iOS only): 50$ USD

  • Tongue out (iOS only): 150$ USD

  • VBridger (mouth): 250$ USD

  • VBridger (face realism): 100$ USD

Prices that START at a certain amount will only be that amount if they don't require any more amount of complexity than the bare minimum of it(Any other extra informed on the forms will have a variable price decided by me once i take a look at it)

Rush fee

A rush fee will make you able to decide the timeframe you want for your commission to be. Depending of the timeframe this fee can go from 35% up to 50% increase on the value. Any extras you ask during the rigging process will be also increased with the same percentage.

Terms of service


  • Every payment must be maybe through Paypal.

  • In order to get your slot on the commission queue, some sort of payment (even if partial) must be made first. Otherwise, I will be slotting other people infront of you that have made a payment first. That does not mean that the commissions are first come first served, however. The positions are all arbitrarily decided by me once I close the commissions, but you won't be on the equation until some payment has been made.

  • Prices listed on this site are always subjective to change, but this will not affect any already confirmed and partially paid commission.

  • Once the payment is made, if the work has already started, there should be no refunds made, no matter the situation.

  • If I haven't started your model yet, there is still possibility of a refund. However, 15% of the total quoted amount (regardless of what the initial payment was) won't be returned to the client. This works as a queue fee, as entering it should be taken with extreme seriousness. Please note that when I accept someone on the rigging queue I am possibly simultaneously denying someone else's opportunity.

  • Please do not reach out to paypal before discussing with me, as the Paypal dispute system is damaging for my work, and I would much rather resolve the situation between us first if possible.

  • After finishing the work, I will only be sending the model files after payment has been fully made.


  • Unless I have accepted the work as a rush commission with the rush fee included, I won't work around any hard deadline. Under that circumstances, the timeframe for delievering the work is entirely mine to decide.

  • WIPs will come during the rigging process, but i will be sending them only under my judgement of when they are ready to be seen.

  • Unless for very special circumstances, such as me not being able to work with you again in a very long time, I will not provide the rigging project file for editing the rigging. The decision to provide it or not will be always under my judgement.

  • Any additions to the rigging requested by the commissioner after the rigging slot has been settled (any not included on the original commission agreement) can be possibly rescheduled to fit my schedule.

  • Two revisions after the model is sent are allowed per commission (Meaning you will receive a maximum of 3 files, OG, v1, v2). Any other revision, unless it's very minor (under my judgement), will be subjected for a fee. If the model is delivered with any aspect of it broken and unusable, such as missing parts, floating parts, glitching movement and so on, such fixes are not considered a revision and are free of limitations.

  • For any rush commission (in which there was a fee on the total price) the work will be delivered in the deadline set by the client. However, the timeframe includes only the first version (unless there is something fundamentally broken with the model). Any requests that are purely based on personal preference will be adjusted without the same set deadline in mind.

  • While I can ask for the client for additional time on the deadline of rush commissions with the intentions of ensuring the quality and detail of the model, if the client does not agree to that and I somehow miss the deadline for sending a working model, I will be refunding the extra fee price that the client paid.

  • I take most of my clients again with new commissions and try to give them some priority. However, I will not put anyone ahead of another client's slot on the queue, and I can't ever guarantee a recurring client for a commission on a timeframe that they want if that would clash with my own schedule. I also always have the right to refuse any project.

Usage and credits

  • Clients are not allowed to share any of the files with third parties without my permission.

  • Clients are not allowed to use any part of the rigging for non fungible tokens, nor for any other form of profit from it with the exception of streaming/content creation profits. Any other case should be under my permission.

  • Clients are not allowed to use any of the model files for the means of training artificial intelligences.

  • I require credits on your streaming platform of choice. If it's a base model instead of a costume or chibi work, I require it to also be on a easy to see place, such as twitter bio and the About page of Twitch/Youtube channel.

  • Once the work is finished and our agreement for the date of disclosure of the work with the public (in form of either WIPs or showcases) is met, I will be posting on my own profile a video showcasing the work to my followers on twitter, and I require that the client interacts with the video in the form of a retweet. The client is also allowed to post their own showcase if they so feel like it.


This page needs reforming, please refer to my twitter account for examples in the meantime.



You can DM me anytime via twitter for questions but keep the commission itself on the form i linked above. You can also email [email protected] for questions if you prefer.